APPD,ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, MP-462038, India
Every year a numerous quantity of waste is produced from the fruit and vegetable industries and is discarded without any treatment in the environment. These waste materials are the source of environmental pollution. It is reported that an outsized amount of vegetables and fruits also are lost during the post-harvest processing as an example the peels and pulp that are obtained from the fruits and vegetables goes unutilized.In soybean food industry soyabean curd residue (okara) and tofu whey is the main surplus material of soybean food industry, and it is often disposed as waste. About 1.1kg of fresh okara is produced from every kilogram of soyabean. The tofu whey contains a certain amount of nutrients and has high water content, it required further treatment before it is disposed of into the sewage and this waste water treatment is an expensive process that contributes significantly to the tofu manufacturing cost. Although these by-products from the fruits and vegetables (F&V) are the rich source of biomolecules, phenolic compounds, minerals, vitamins etc. The compounds have various properties like anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, and antioxidant activities which will even be usable as neutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and cosmetics and extremely important for preparing functional foods.