Deccan Flora museum and Palaeobotanical Research laboratory, Sakoli, Dist- Bhandara. Maharashtra, India.441802.
Piperales today are a diverse, speciose group of early divergent angiosperms and are important for understanding early angiosperm evolution. Fossil samples were collected from the deccan Intertrappean Chert outcrop, located on the field of the Singpur locality, about 5 km east of Saunser India (19278, 21°36.958′N, 78°43.827′E) of Madhya Pradesh India. Chert blocks were cut into pieces and studied using the cellulose acetate peel technique The present fruit is well preserved cut in transverse plane. Rounded globular to triangle in shape measuring 2.5-3 mm in diameter. The fruit is unilocular and is differentiated into outer pericarp and seed. Present fossil specimen resembles with the family Saururaceae in having perisperm with starch grains, pericarp with protruberances, epicarp multilayered with wavy outgrowths, mesocarp single layered made of large square cells, seed with modest undulating outline and minute embryo. It shows close similarities with the fruits of family Saururaceae hence it is named as Saururaceocarpon cretaceousus gen. et sp. nov. The generic name is after the family and specific name is after the age of present specimen.
Key words- Petrified, Saururaceocarpon, Maastrtchian-Danian, Deccan Intertrappean etc.