In vitro Cytotoxic Studies of Pongamia pinnata Pierre using aqueous extracts of seed powder and callus

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Rajani Shirsat and Aruna Rai

Department of Botany, Smt. C. H. M. College, Ulhasnagar-421003, Thane, Maharashtra, India

Plants have been widely used as curative agents for different ailments since time immemorial. Pongamia pinnata Pierre is one of such versatile plant. The seeds of the plant contain about 40% oil known as pongamol. It is a having a value in folklore medicine in the treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism etc. All parts of the plant are used in the treatment of tumors, piles, skin diseases, wounds and ulcers. In the present study, experiments were carried out to test the cytotoxic nature of the plant. Plant extracts were prepared using seed powder and callus. Cytotoxicity was tested on Daphnia cultures. Results of the present study showed better responses when seed powder extracts were used. Hence, seed powder can be a good source for the cytotoxic compounds.


Key Words: Pongamia pinnata, callus, cytotoxicity, Daphnia.
