Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), P.O. Box 1854, Morogoro, Tanzania
Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges in the 21st century that have captured the attention of many countries. It has become a centre of concentration by many governments worldwide due to its induced changes that affect the viability of livelihoods of the people especially the poor. Researches have been and are underway to establish basis for decision making to act upon the challenges of climate change. In this regard, the existing knowledge on climate change adaptation and agroforestry are synthesized as a basis for decision making for future adaptation strategies. With the aim of informing the policy makers the article focuses on overview of climate change, climate change and agriculture, climate change adaptation, opportunities and barriers to climate change and agroforestry practices as a means to climate change adaptation. It was noted that climate change is a reality in agriculture sector and agroforestry can be used as an effective adaptation strategy to the impacts of climate change. The review recommends that agroforestry practices that are potential to climate change adaptation and mitigation need to be given priority. Awareness creation and education on the linkage between climate change agroforestry is needed to create knowledge and encourage more farmers to practice agroforestry. Agroforestry practitioners need to be linked to carbon credits that they can get funds to be used to increase their adaptive capacity to climate change. Further studies are needed to identify farmers for financial assistance and areas for capacity building in adapting to climate change.
Keywords: Adaptation, Agroforestry, Climate change.