Laboratory of Environment and Mining Engineering, University of FadaN’Gourma (Burkina Faso)
In this study, we investigated the correlation between different drinking water parameters: pH, Turbidity, Temperature and the Organoleptic Quality of bottled mineral drinking water produced in Burkina Faso, along with the Tap water. The brands utilized are “Y”, “B”, “L” and “I”. The study showed that only “Y” mineral water had a neutral pH of about 7; the others showed low pH of about 5. The investigated bottled mineral waters presented neglectable turbidity of less than 0.5 NTU, however, the tap water had a turidity of 4 NTU, however, it fits the turbidity drinking water standards. The different temperatures were less than 30 degrees Celcius. Bottled mineral drinking waters produced in Burkina Faso are for the majority acidic. The water acidity is due to the water tables quality in Burkina Faso that are Ca-Mg-HCO3 type. When calcium carbonates are not precipitated to reach the calcium carbonate equilibrium that leads the pH to remain low. The organoleptic quality of the mineral drinking water produced in Burkina Faso is preferred when acidic by the majority of its population, despite the fact that low pH drinking water may be unhealthy. Companies producing bottled mineral drinking water do not demineralize the water before suppling it since the water consumers easily accept the acidic taste. In fact, the water supplying pipelines can be corroded by low water pH. This study showed that brand “Y” bottled mineral drinking water has a better taste, and it is healthier for its neutral acidity than the other investigated brands.