College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University, P.O. Box 38, Haramaya
This study was undertaken in Habro district to analysis past and future rainfall and temperature variability and trend. Variability and trend were analyzed by Instat V3.37 and XLStat software. The seasonal and annual rainfall totals were highly variable. Belg, kiremt and annual rainfall totals showed a decreasing trend by the factors of -3.56, -0.62 and -0.73 mm per year. The average onset date, secession date and Length of growing period (LGP) were 28 March, 28 October and 213 days respectively and in the future late onset of belg rain and shortening of growing period is expected. Probability of dry spells occurrence longer than 5 and 7 days was high in the month of June. Observed belg, kiremt and annual average minimum temperature were 13.65, 14.81 and 13.18°C and average maximum temperature were 27.62, 26.68 and 26.77 °C respectively and both revealed rising trends. Projection indicated reduction in rainfall amount in main rainy season (kiremt) season and significant rising of both average minimum and maximum temperature in study area in the future. Due to annual and inter-annual high rainfall variability and decreasing rainfall in main rainy season and rising temperature over the study area, it could be suggested that communicating the issue for different stake holders and implementing adaptation option is must to offset the impacts.