Biohm Consultare Pvt. Ltd., Surat, Gujarat (India)
Cleaner production (CP) is about less and more efficient energy and materials use and therefore substitution of more harmful product for the environmental and health by less dangerous ones. CP is preventive, not so much end-of pipe technology is aimed at, rather the reduction of waste and emission at the source. The continuity of the CP effort is emphasized: one can always do better, there’s always space for improvement. Technologies can always be cleaner, the ultimate ideal goal being a technology that produces no pollution at all. Cleaner production is about processes, production and services as fields of application. Cleaner production is systematically organized approach to production activities, which has positive effects on the environment. These activities encompass resources use minimization, improved eco-efficiency and sources reduction, in order to improve the environmental protection and to reduce risk to living organisms. It is applied to processes used in any industrial sector and to products themselves. Better working environment apart from improving the economic and environmental performance, cleaner production can also improve the occupational health and safety conditions for the workers. Favourable working conditions can increase the morale of staff and at the same time foster a concern for controlling waste. Such actions will help your company gain a competitive edge.