a,b,c Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, Kwame Nkrumah University of Sci & Tech. Kumasi, Ghana
dInstitut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles Ouagaduoguo, Burkina Faso
*Corresponding author’s Email: asamoah38@yahoo.com
Rainwater is not readily available to sandy loam Ghanaian ferric lixisols. In an attempt to increase water availability to Nyankpala ferric lixisols, their impervious iron pan was broken. Average yield (number of bags) of maize from ferric lexisol with ironpan broken was compared with that with iron pan unbroken. At an average annual rainfall of 64.125 to 106.775 mm for Nyampkala, ferric lexisol with or without iron pan broken yielded similar quantity (20-25bgs/ha) of maize. Breaking of ironpan alone cannot increase water availability to Nyankpala ferric lixisols. Measures other than the breaking of iron pan are needed to increase water availability to ferreiclesisols and similar soils. Research into sustainable technologies such as permanent amendments for increased soil water availability to ferric lixisol and similar soils is required.
Keywords: Optimize, maize, rain water, soil water.