University College of Science, Department of Geography, Osmania University Hyderabad-500007
Aksum University, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, P.O.Box 1010, Aksum, Tigray, Ethiopia.
This study investigates the relationship between rainfall characteristics and production of five major cereal crops. Daily rainfall records and production data of five major crops were used for the analysis. A survey was carried out to supplement production data from 600 randomly selected farming households. A non-parametric correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis were the statistical tools used in the study in addition to the descriptive statistics and coefficient of variations. Belg and Kiremt rainy seasons covered about 24% and 62.2% of annual total rainfall respectively; Belg rainy season was highly variable than the Kiremt one. Average onset of Belg rainy season arrived 59 days late than normal date; whereas Kiremt’s was 35 days late than the normal, June 1. Mann-Kendall trend test indicated that annual and Kiremt rainy days were significantly decreasing. Very long dry spells were also found in both Kiremt and Belg rainy seasons, an average of 21 and 37 days respectively. Although, crop production was steadily increasing, the effects of some of the main rainfall characteristics on four of the five crop production were found significant. Findings of this study calls to intensify adaptation strategies, development of irrigation schemes and supply of more drought tolerant seeds.
Keywords: Climate variability; Crops production; Rainfall characteristics; Southern Tigray.