Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry, Office of the Dean, Pokhara, Nepal
Trees outside forests (TOFs) are important natural resources that contribute substantially to national biomass and carbon stocks and to the livelihood of people in many regions of the world. Over the last decades, decision makers have become increasingly aware of the importance of TOF, and as a consequence, this tree resource is, nowadays, often considered in forest monitoring systems. TOF in Nepal’s Terai have significantly increased over the past decade. Despite the important role of TOF in subsistence and market-based rural livelihood diversification, and the consequent reduction in pressure on national forests from on-farm trees, current government policies and practices fail to recognize the value of these trees. A responsive service mechanism centered on tree growing households would help the management of tree resources on the farmland. Numerous studies have been conducted on assessment of carbon, biodiversity and livelihood. However, a knowledge gap exists regarding TOF resources at the rural level related to policy in particular. TOF have good potential for sequestering atmospheric carbon and enhancing plant biodiversity. The private sector has a significant role in promoting TOF in the form of on-farm trees, agroforestry and others non-wooded land management. The government's role has not been satisfactory for enhancing TOF. Therefore, TOF and its management should be given high priority for bio-diversity conservation, carbon sequestration and promoting rural livelihood.
Keywords: Agroforestry, Carbon sequestration, Rural livelihood, Tree biodiversity.