Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Rift Valley Eco-Region Research Programme-Londiani P.O. Box 382-20203, Londiani. Kenya.
Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Headquarters, Nairobi, P.O. Box 20412-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
The phenotypic variation in growth of ten 28-year-old Liquidambar styraciflua provenances was studied at two sites, Lugari and Kakamega in Western Kenya. The trial at each site was established in a Randomized Block Design with the ten provenances replicated in four blocks. Each block had ten square plots corresponding to the ten provenances and each plot had thirty six trees. Analysis of growth data gave results which showed a significant difference (P<0.01) in survival, and growth parameters of tree height, and diameter at breast height (Dbh) among provenances at both sites. Ranking based on height growth of the provenances showed the best provenance at Lugari site was Finca Las Victoria-Guatemala, with mean height and Dbh of 35.8 m and 37.1 cm respectively, while the leading provenance at Kakamega site was Tactic Coban, Guatemala, with a mean height and Dbh of 28.7 m and 26.8 cm respectively. The provenance with highest mean survival at Lugari was Finca Las Victoria-Guatemala with a value of 29.2%, while at Kakamega the best provenance was Franklin, Virginia–USA, with a value of 72.2%. Provenance by site interaction was significant as shown by the difference in performance of provenances between the sites. A comparison of the result from the best performing provenances with the growth of the most commonly grown Cupressus lusitanica species in similar sites in Kenya indicates the high potential of L. styraciflua as a commercial plantation species in medium altitude sites in Kenya.
Keywords: Liquidambar styraciflua, Provenances, Survival, Trial, Performance.