Vermibiotechnology Centre, School of Studies in Zoology Jiwaji University, Gwalior-474011
Managing for soil health is one of the most effective ways for farmers to increase crop productivity and profit-ability while improving the environment. The present study was undertaken for the improvement of soil fertility with the help of garden waste and dung vermicomposting. A free choice experiment on soil, garden waste and dung mixture in different ratios revealed the best culture media was mixture of these three wastes in proportion of 1:1:1. Further study in soil, garden waste and dung mixture followed by release of earthworms and maintained for 60 days resulted the best results were obtained in soil-garden waste-dung ratio (1:4:4) in which maximum increase (3171.07 %) in total bio-number (adults, juveniles and cocoons) and net biomass (743.51 %) was recorded. The maximum amount of nitrogen (1.94%), phosphorus (1.12%) and potassium (1.18%) content were also noticed in this mixture. The study concluded that releasing of Eudrilus eugeniae worms in organic waste rich moist soils can be best for in situ recycling of waste biomass and for remediation of soil fertility.
Keywords: Dung; Eudrilus eugeniae; Garden waste; Soil; Vermicomposting; Waste recycling.