Technological Characteristics From Non-Destructive Methods For Selection Of Forest Species Of Gmelina Arborea Roxb Planted In Comparative Origins Trial In Semi-Deciduous Dense Forest, de Côte d’Ivoire

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Ahoba Assandé, Kadio Adjoumani Aimé, Kouassi Kouadio Martin, Gondo Gbogbo Arsène, Issali Auguste Emmanuel

Station SRT Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) 08 BP 33 Abidjan 08.

Ministère des Eaux et Forêts, de Côte d’Ivoire.

Société de Développement des Forêts (SODEFOR) 01 BP 3770 Abidjan 01 Côte d’Ivoire

ONG, Solidaridad 25 BP 1108 Abidjan 25 Côte d’Ivoire

Station Cocotier Port Bouët Marc Delorme, CNRA, 07 BP 13 Abidjan 07, Côte d’Ivoire


 Technological wood qualities of 8 origins of Gmelina arborea planted in a comparative trial at Sangoué were assessed, in a semi-deciduous dense forest area in Côte d'Ivoire. The trial aimed the timber yielding. For this purpose, the choice of the non-destructive approach, preserving the tree for assessing of the quality of wood, was carried out. Results showed that the most vigorous origins relatively to diametrical growth also expressed high values of penetration depth using the Pilodyn and low densities. The latter were, strongly correlated among them, allowed the differentiating of origins in different areas of wood such as sapwood, perfect wood and heart wood. Therefore, a sample collection using the pilodyn by driving in the bark only and limited in the area near the sapwood can be sufficient for selecting forest species based on technological wood quality.


Keywords:Gmelina origins; Pilodyn penetration; Sample core; Wood infradensity.