Trend Analysis of Climate Change and Its Impacts on Crop Productivity in The Lower Tana River Basin, Kenya

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P. Makenzi, P. Ketiem, P. Omondi, E. Maranga and C. Wekesa

aEgerton University, P.O. Box 422-20115, Egerton , Kenya,

bIGAD Climate Predication and Application Centre (ICPAC), Nairobi

cKenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) Coast Eco-Region Research Programme, Malindi, Kenya⃰

Impacts of Climate change and the associated vulnerabilities have increasingly become significant environmental issues of concern across the globe.  Climate change is one of the greatest impediments to the realization of the first Millennium Development Goal of reducing poverty and food insecurity globally since it directly influences agricultural production and community livelihoods. Africa is highly vulnerable and especially the arid and semi arid lands which have low adaptive capacities. Approximately 80% of the African population is dependent on agriculture which it is currently facing myriad of challenges ranging from climate change to technology adoption. The sector therefore needs better support from policy makers, service providers and/or development agencies to remain the engine for economic growth and rural development. Analysis of climate trends in relation to regional production sectors such as crops using available scientific tools would create opportunities to incorporate relevant adaptation measures from the planning stages. This study found that the return periods for extreme climatic events such as drought as decreased from approximately 4 to 5 years before the year 2000 to about 2 years or less at present in the lower Tana River basin. Maize production in the region remains climatically undermined and farmers need to upscale the production of mangoes and cassava which grows and have good yields in the region. There is need to maximize the production opportunities of better yielding crops and encourage cross border trades in the country.


Keywords: Climate change; Climate variability; Crop yields; Tana River basin.