Plant Physilogy, Botany Division, Forest Research Institute Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 248006
Myrica esculenta locally known as kafal, is a dioecious, moderate sized, evergreen tree species. It is a characteristic associate of Quercus leucotrichophora and Rhododendron species between 1000 -2200 m above sea level and valued for its wild edible fruits used in different preparations. An experiment was conducted under pot culture conditions to study the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer doses (i.e. 20; 40; 20 and control without fertilizer) on the in-vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in different plant parts. Nitrogen doses were applied in two equal split between fifteen days intervals. Monthly nitrate reductase activity was estimated in different plant parts viz., leaf, stem and root for a period of twelve months. It was observed that maximum NRA was recorded in the 80 kg N/ha followed by 40 kg N/ha, 20 kg N/ha and minimum in control treatment in different plant parts as well as in total plant also. On the seasonal NRA a higher NR activity was recorded during rainy followed by summer and lowest in winter season. Seasonal effects were significantly different as compared to seasons x treatments. However, on monthly analysis basis, months and treatment effects in leaf, stem, root and total plant NR activity was significantly different among each other. However, for all the parameters studied months x treatments were found significantly different at 5% level.
Keywords:Fertilizer doses, In-vivo nitrate reductase activity, Myrica esculenta; Seasonal changes